June 2, 2024

Western Sales Group Employee Spotlight: Kersten Frye

Welcome to our latest edition of the Employee Spotlight at Western Sales Group. Today, we’re excited to introduce you to Kersten Frye, a dedicated member of our Quality Control team. Kersten’s journey at Western Sales Group showcases her dedication and growth within the company.

Getting to Know Kersten Frye

Role and Responsibilities

Kersten Frye has been a vital part of our Quality Control team for two years. Her primary responsibility is to ensure that all parts manufactured meet the highest quality standards and pass inspection before they are shipped to customers. Starting in the parts room, Kersten quickly moved up the ranks due to her diligence and keen eye for detail, landing her current role in quality control.

Professional Journey

Before joining Western Sales Group, Kersten gained valuable experience that prepared her for her role in quality control. Her ascent from working in the parts room to her current position is a testament to her hard work and the opportunities for advancement within our company.

Daily Inspirations and Challenges

Pride in Work

Kersten takes great pride in her work, particularly in the satisfaction of knowing that the products sent to customers have passed rigorous inspections. This ensures not only the success of the company but also the safety and satisfaction of the customers.

Advice for Newcomers

For those new to the field, especially women who might find themselves in a predominantly male environment, Kersten advises ensuring comfort and assertiveness in the workplace. Her experience underscores the importance of adaptability and resilience in any professional setting.

Life Beyond Work

Passions and Hobbies

Outside of work, Kersten has a deep passion for carpentry and photography. These hobbies not only fulfill her creatively but also allow her to refine skills that are both personally and professionally beneficial.

Future Goals

In terms of personal development, Kersten is focused on advancing her photography skills, aspiring to capture important family moments and engagements professionally in the future.

Looking Ahead

Vision for the Future

Looking forward over the next five years, Kersten sees herself continuing to grow with the company’s Quality Control department. She also hopes to develop her photography into a more significant part of her life, potentially turning it into a professional endeavor alongside her career in quality control.

Final Thoughts and Advice

To succeed at Western Sales Group, Kersten suggests being trainable, respectful, and accountable. These qualities have not only helped her achieve success but are also essential for anyone looking to make a mark in their professional journey.

Kersten Frye’s story is one of growth, passion, and dedication. It highlights the opportunities at Western Sales Group for those eager to learn and adapt. We look forward to seeing her future accomplishments, both in her professional role and personal interests. Stay tuned for more insights and stories from our talented team members in future Employee Spotlights.

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